
Old Farts and Pop Tarts


After four years in the music industry, Millicent Trinkett has come to a conclusion. If she has to manage another boy band, one of two things will take place.

Life imprisonment for strangling them in their sleep or, Loss of her sanity due to factory produced music resonating in her dreams night after night. Pleading with her Uncle Morty to be assigned adult musicians to manage for the next tour, she's quickly reminded of the adage "Be careful what you ask for". When he assigns her a reunion tour for the five-piece rock and roll band "Fourplay", Millie learns that adult doesn't always translate to mature, nor does it necessarily translate to old. She also learns a whole new lesson: Jumping to conclusions is not good exercise.

Join the gang on a cross country trip for an adventure that is guaranteed to keep you laughing, make you sing, and want to wear a do-rag.

Don't fret . . . you can leave your hat on.

Lukija: Parker Carr