
Polynesian Mythology: A Concise Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Sagas, Rituals and Beliefs of Polynesian Myths


This book is dedicated to exploring the gods and goddesses that the Polynesian people worshiped, and within the pages you will find more information about:

Background facts about the Polynesian culture, such as family, social stratification, education, fishing, gardening, religion, art, and traditions The intriguing legend and background story of Maui, the trickster Polynesian names from mythology and their meanings Rangi and Papa and the creation myth from the Polynesian islands What Polynesians believed about ghosts and spirits A brief overview of some of the main spirits and deities Polynesians believed in Polynesian mythology is intricate, complex, and the ideals behind some of their mythological beliefs were often intertwined with real life events. This book will examine how both myth and fact contributed to the culture and traditions of the Polynesians, and how these influences and some stories continue to live on throughout the centuries.

Lukija: Gareth Johnson