
Red Panda Adventures, Season 7: The Red Panda


Thrill once again to all-new, full-cast audio adventure in the tradition of the golden age of radio with The Red Panda Adventures, Season 7.

The country’s superheroes have been torn apart, and the mantle of the Red Panda has been passed on to another. Now the Flying Squirrel must lead the new Terrific Twosome, and save her new partner from himself. With the war going badly at home and abroad, they may be all that separates freedom from tyranny.

Contains 12 self-contained adventure programs, as featured on the award-winning Decoder Ring Theatre podcast. Stories include "From the Ashes", "The Trojan Horse", "City of the Dead", "The Milk Run", "The Case of the Missing Muse", "The Darkness Beyond", "Flying Blind", "Murder from the Skies", "Thunder Valley", "Island of the Damned", "Voice from Above", "The Black Heart".