
Seeking Pleasure Life : What Is Emotional Spending Costing You?


I was told that we should be in pursuit of happiness! I discovered that this is a controlled society, meaning man's laws that cause chaos instead of balance. This great mass deception was solely created to make industries rich off of humanity, the insecure dissatisfied human ego. The ego can never be satisfied, no matter how much we feed it. So how much money are you spending a month to feel happy? This is about self-awareness so that we develop self-control.

I say invest time seeking something natural such as joy! Happiness is an emotion like sadness, mad, or gladness. Happiness comes from external stimuli, whereas joy is an internal blissful feeling that is infinite. Outside things that stimulate the 5 senses give us happiness, simple things as doing what we love creates a sense of happiness.

Without joy, when we are not happy we tend to feel empty as if something is missing, the mind is constantly looking to be stimulated when we are dissatisfied with ourselves. But with joy, even when we are not happy at the moment we can still laugh and share our joyful feelings with others.