
Tales from the Otherworlds : A Middle Grade Fantasy Anthology


11 marvelous stories of mystical portals, magical lands, and mythical creatures. Journey with children, fae creatures, and gods alike as they navigate the joy of friendship, the struggles of finding identity, and the unclear pathways of strange new worlds.

From bestsellers to rising voices, 11 terrifically talented authors explore the many faces of whimsy and wonder, mischief and misdoings.

The Otherworlds call to the brave, the extraordinary, and the fated. They call to you, adventurer. Will you answer? The anthology includes:

Will of the Mischief Maker by Antoine Bandele

The Queen’s Kitchen by K.R.S. McEntire

A Trip to Sunma by Jessica Cage

The Guardian’s Twin by Kish Knight

No Way Out by Ken Kwame

The Green Man Falls by Francesca McMahon

The Beams of Faelleria by Ryan J. Schroeder

King Impulu & The Sky Pearl by Zia Knight

The Portal to Aril by Brittany Hester

Fae-Took by Marie McHenry

Magiks and the Tale of Two Kings by Loup Gajigianis