
The Berserkers : A Novel


A beautiful woman is found stabbed and frozen in the ice of Lake Munch, dressed only in the costume wings and tight corset of a Norse Valkyrie. Grammaticus Kolbitter, police precinct records clerk by day and keyboardist in a Viking heavy-metal band, The Berserkers, by night, is pulled into the investigation. What does a records clerk know about solving crime? Reluctantly, Grammaticus embarks on the adventure of a lifetime.

This story is beautifully written with magic and myths along with horror and humour, it will have you enthralled... -- LoveReading.com

The Berserkers has a feel of the classic hero's journey, but with Viking Heavy Metal at the hero's side. -- Victoria Irwin, Editor-in-Chief of FangirlNation.com

Original and surprising -- Jack Livings

An engaging, tightly written experimental novel full of evocative storytelling and narrative drive. -- Wyl Menmuir

Lukija: ThomaS Landbo