
The Happy, Healthy, Positive Learner : How To Be Happy, Healthy, Positive, And Improve Your Learning In Only One Month


With over 20 years of experience as a student/learner and an educator, I’ve discovered that working hard to survive your studies/learning is essential to your academic success. I’ve also learned that to be a successful student/learner, it’s imperative to have a growth mindset that nurtures happiness, healthiness, and positivity. In short, “Your attitude determines your altitude.”

Getting your attitude right is a key component to being a successful student/learner. Despite how much time, effort, and money you invest in your learning, you won’t be able to fully benefit from it unless you have a happy, healthy, positive mindset. This audiobook gives you the exact ingredients I used to successfully maintain a growth mindset during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, while simultaneously writing a dissertation for a Master of Laws degree in International Intellectual Property Practice; homeschooling 3 energetic children; sustaining an online business, and running a busy home for a family of 5.

With daily quotes to motivate you, real-life anecdotes to inspire you, and actionable steps to take, this book focuses on 4 key components: Health, Happiness, Wellness & Learning. Best of all, within 31 short days (that’s merely 1 month), you can have the secret formula to becoming a Happy, Healthy, Positive Learner.

Lukija: Ménesa Campbell