
The Science of Motivation


The legendary college football coach and analyst, Lou Holtz once said: "When all is said and done, more is said than done." These few, yet extremely profound words explain one of the biggest predicaments that individuals face today. Many of us as individuals say we want to be successful, happy and influential. Yet, very, very few of us, follow up what we say-whether said to others or ourselves-with specific actions that move us directly toward those goals. The idea of being successful is an attractive dream that fills us with positive emotions. Whereas the actions required to be successful (at work, in our relationships, in sports competition, etc.) are often difficult and lengthy. The desire to be genuinely happy is a universal goal toward which nearly every individual and advanced society aspires. But, the actions required to achieve deep and sustained happiness (some call it "joy") require us to often delay temporary gratification and "quick fixes" to problems. And, saying