
The Visitor : The Dark Corner - Book I


Don't Move. Don't Breathe. Don't Die.

Dana Johansen is living in a nightmare. Someone is watching him. Showing up in places he least expects. They are dogged and relentless. Now, they're in his home. There is no running. They want something from Dana. They want it tonight.

The Visitor is the first in a series of short stories, novelettes, and novella by Easton Livingston titled The Dark Corner Archives. The Visitor is a mix of psychological mystery and suspense, and is a part of what Easton calls his Reality Imagination Universe. This universe is comprised of not only these genres of stories but a mix of science fiction, fantasy, and action adventure. It is the

The whole five part series is available to those who are citizens of the R.I.U. You can join the R.I.U. at www.eastonlivingston.com.