
Twice Dead (The Zombie Crisis Book 1)


Within forty eight hours, it had become a global pandemic. There was no explanation. The dead were rising, returning to life, and devouring the living. Commander Peterson, leader of the most elite fighting unit in the U.S. armed forces, was assigned one, last final mission.

In his worst nightmares he never could have imagined this apocalypse, or that he and his team were to become the one last hope that remained….

TWICE DEAD (THE ZOMBIE CRISIS—BOOK 1) is a top 25 Bestseller (Horror genre)!

Lukija: Rich Remedios


16 arvosanaa



juuri oikeanlaista zombi kirjallisuutta. kuolleet metsästävät eläviä. eliitti tiimi sotilaita pelastus tehtävässä, jossa asiat eivät mene ihan suunnitellusti. tarpeeksi jännitystä pitämään mukanaan alusta loppuun. tuskin maltan odottaa tokaa kirjaa