
VIP Servants


Where Does A Man Turn To, When Technology Is Not Enough To Solve All Problems?

In the year 1480, in Manzanares Del Real, Spain, people knew they had a super hero: Ernesto


What nobody knew, however, is that he lived in a cave fitted with conditioned with 2018 year


Honorable and humble, he lives by a simple motto: "Live to serve others, no matter whom".What happens, however, when all his technological marvels aren't enough to help him do his


A Truly Vivid Vision Of A World Lost In The Past - And Yet As Relevant As Ever

Writing in a concise, lively style, the author brings to life a world nothing like today's present,

and yet full of uncanny questions that strike a bit too close to home.

Masterfully balancing the dichotomy between technology and faith, J.E. Quintana tells a story

of wonder and adventure - one that will, from cover to cover, bolster the reader's faith.