In this groundbreaking book, Engel helps women confront the beliefs and behaviors that keep them stuck in their Nice Girl act while replacing them with healthier, more empowering ones. CONTENTS PART I. STRONG WOMEN ARENT NICE Chapter 1: The High Price of Being Too Nice: The 7 Types of Nice Girls Chapter 2: How Did We Get So Nice? Chapter 3: The Ten False Beliefs That Set Women Up to Be Used and Abused PART II. FROM FALSE BELIEFS TO EMPOWERING BELIEFS Chapter 4: Stop Putting Others Needs and Feelings Ahead of Your Own Chapter 5: Stop Believing that Being Nice Will Protect You Chapter 6: Stop Worrying About What Other People Think of You Chapter 7: Stop Trying to Be Perfect Chapter 8: Stop Being Gullible and Naïve Chapter 9: Start Standing Up For Your Rights Chapter 10: Start Expressing Your Anger Chapter 11: Learn to Handle Conflict Chapter 12: Start Facing the Truth About People Chapter 13: Start Supporting and Protecting Yourself PART III. FROM NICE
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