
Completing The Writer's To-Do List


Do you create to-do lists, but never use them? Do you forget to start tasks you have promised others you would finish? Are you overwhelmed by hundreds of unopened emails? Does this sound all too familiar?

Do yourself a favor, spend this weekend with Completing The Writer’s To-Do List and learn to get your tasks and your email under control.



¡ Avoid starting to-do lists only to abandon them

¡ Know the status of all your tasks at all times

¡ Create a process that reminds you to get action items done

¡ Handle email, so you have time to finish your work

¡ Assemble a set of free tools to keep yourself organized

Don't toss and turn at night worrying about whether you accomplished everything you need to do to have a successful writing career.

Whether you are traditionally published or are a self-publisher, an out of control to-do list can keep you from your writing – sleep easier at night knowing you will complete your work.

Completing The Writer's To-Do List is part of the Business Books for Writers series.

Tonya D. Price holds an MBA from Cornell University. She is a former Director of a Project Management Office at Suffolk University in Boston and a certified Evernote consultant. She has published short fiction across numerous genres in Pocket Books and Fiction River anthologies.

Narrator: Daniel Sawyer