
Healthy Emotional State Coaching sessions & meditations Spiritual maturity Deep awareness : transform your life, day by day happiness, lead your life, honor your system, new coping mechanism


Emotional health is an important part of your overall health, happiness in life. When you are emotionally imbalanced, you are out of control in thoughts emotions and behaviors. It is difficult to function and cope with life challenges.

In contrast, when you are emotionally healthy, You keep problems challenges in perspective. You are able to bounce back from setbacks. You are no longer being controlled by your emotional state. You put yourself in power.

Being emotionally healthy does not mean you are happy all the time. It means you have the tools and awareness to get back into balance quickly. You embrace your emotions and life challenges. You can deal with them whether you are happy or sad. Your coping mechanism is healthy. You do not fall into addictions escape your emotions and drown yourself into depressive mode.

In this course, we will be your personal coach guiding you to honor your emotional system. We provide tools for you to feel and embrace your emotions. So that you can get back into balance when you feel your emotions are out of control. We inspire you to have a new perspective in looking at things. We put our focus on gratitude and love.

In this course, we will

Honor your emotional system Embrace your emotions Develop a new coping mechanism Know how to face challenges Improve overall health Stay in a gratitude mode Release any toxic ties Let go of the abusive relationship Maintain balance Deep self-acceptance And much more

This is a skill you can learn. We go through coaching sessions, mediations, hypnosis, and affirmations to help you to the path of an emotionally healthy state. When you are emotionally healthy, every area of your life improves including physical health, relationship, career, and happiness.

Narrator: Chantalia