
How to Save Money on Healthcare


Healthcare costs are always a source of worry. Learn what resources are available to you for covering your care and how to plan for the unexpected. Insurance companies have failed you. Congress has failed you. Hospitals and doctors and pharmaceutical companies have all failed you.

Why? Because we all spend too much on healthcare.

Healthcare costs in the form of premiums, hospital bills, and drug co-pays have all gone up dramatically over the past ten years and will continue to do so. We are all one illness away from bankruptcy. So, what can you - as a financially conscious healthcare consumer - do to protect yourself? Read this book and follow the simple checklists to learn:

About the types of health insurance, including the parts of Medicare. How to use your personal finances wisely while protecting your nest egg. Which government assistance programs you may be eligible for. How to manage your medical bills and contest billing errors. Options for protecting yourself and your finances as you grow older. This book will help you understand the resources available to help you pay for care. It will also look at options for minimizing costs and advocating for yourself in the event that billing errors are made. Being an educated, proactive customer of the healthcare market will ease some of the stress and worry of seeking care and enable you to concentrate on your health. It's time for you to take control of your healthcare costs.

Don't wait, order NOW and start saving.

Narrator: Sam Clapp