Learned Optimism: The Ultimate Guide to Staying Positive, Learn the Importance of Positive Thinking to Achieve a Healthier and Happier You Optimism is a mental attitude that reflects a belief or hope that all the outcomes of your endeavors will be positive, favorable, and desirable. Research shows that thinking like an optimist pays off big. A cheerful disposition can help you go through any problems and obstacles you encounter in life. There are also a lot of studies conducted in the US and Europe that directly link optimism and a person's health. Optimism helps people cope better with sickness and people who always think positive recover faster from surgeries. A positive outlook has a greater impact on the overall health and life expectancy of a person. But research also shows that 87% of the things we tell ourselves always consists of negative and self-destructive thoughts. This negative self-talk leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy and what we constantly tell ourselves eventually comes true given this is our constant mindset. Negative self-thought also makes us unhappy and makes us lose our confidence which then leads to us being unhealthy and self-destructive. In this audiobook, you will learn about learned optimism and the idea that a talent for joy and thinking positive can be cultivated. Realistic and practical optimism is a choice you can make on purpose to help you manage your life successfully. You will learn about strategies for staying positive and the benefits of always looking on the brighter side of things. In this audiobook, you will learn about: - The Power of Realistic and Practical Optimism - Obstacles to Optimism - Positive Thinking at Work - Fear of Failure - Overcoming Self-Sabotage - How to Stop Making Useless Comparisons - Making the Most of Your Tools This audiobook would teach you about the mental attitude at the heart of optimism. You will learn techniques you can use to strengthen optimism.
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