
Nonstop Sales Boom


Feast or famine, boom or bust--it's a pattern that too many sales organizations regard as a necessary evil. And that's plain wrong. If you want a long-term career, you need to get off the roller-coaster of inconsistent results. Instead of frantic scrambles to meet quotas, you can create a strong year-round record of closed sales, repeat customers, and increasing referrals, all while you build a growing prospect list. That's what creating a Nonstop Sales Boom is all about.

Colleen Francis has filled this book with scores of winning strategies and tips to fuel your own year-round sales boom. Among the many useful things you'll learn are:

* Techniques to convert every legitimate lead

* How to have prospects banging on your door

* How your compensation formula can depress sales -- or lift them

* Why requests to lower price are sure signs of a sale at a higher price

* How to create customer evangelists and epiphanies

* The best way to obtain the mega-testimonials

* How to "fire" bad