In the history of the Greek translation of the Bible, there are two recensions that play a very important role. The first is the Hexaplaric recension of Origen. In this work, Origen displayed the different versions of the Biblical text and aimed at bringing the Greek text as it had been submitted so far closer to the then current Hebrew text. His intervention in the Greek text has "opened the gates to a flood of approximations of the Greek text to the Hebrew" (dixit Anneli Aejmelaeus). Indeed, one can find Hexaplaric readings in many manuscripts, and even in texts, manuscripts and versions that have never been labeled like that. Filtering out what are Hexaplaric readings is of utmost importance to the reconstruction of the Old Greek text, which may then point to another Hebrew text. A similar enterprise was undertaken by Lucian, and his work too needs to be reconstructed and traced in order to establish the Old Greek text. The current volume deals with the books of 1-2 Sam, 1-2 Kings, as well as Joshua and Esther.
The Legacy of Barthélemy : 50 Years after Les Devanciers d'Aquila
bookLXX Song of Songs and Descriptive Translation Studies
Dries De Crom
bookThe Legacy of Soisalon-Soininen : Towards a Syntax of Septuagint Greek
bookThe Septuagint of Jeremiah : A Study in Translation Technique and Recensions
Miika Tucker
bookEditing the Septuagint: The Unfinished Task : Papers presented at the 50th anniversary of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Denver 2018
bookText History of the Greek Ecclesiastes : Introduction to the Göttingen Septuagint Edition of Ecclesiastes
Peter J. Gentry
bookAs a Deer Longs for Flowing Streams : A Study of the Septuagint Version of Psalm 42-43 in its Relation to the Hebrew Text
Staffan Olofsson
bookOrigenes Orientalis : The Preservation of Origen's Hexapla in the Syrohexapla of 3 Kingdoms
Timothy Michael Law
bookThe Medieval Revision of the Ambrosian Hexateuch : Critical Editing between Septuaginta and Hebraica Veritas in Ms. Ambrosianus A 147 inf
Mariachiara Fincati
bookThe Proto-Lucianic Problem in 1 Samuel
Tuukka Kauhanen
bookSahidic 1 Samuel – A Daughter Version of the Septuagint 1 Reigns
Elina Perttilä