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After Sten has to move to foster parents, Amir becomes the lone victim of the bullies.
Sten’s grandmother dies, his mother becomes crazier and Han has to move to a foster family.
After he comes home from his little escape trip to Gothenburg, he is hunted again by the bullies and every day.
They spray his clothes down the gym shower at school, try to flush his gym clothes down the toilet, and terrorize him every chance they get.
They also take his bike valves when he gets in their way.
The bullying continues with them stopping him as he rides his bike and taking his valves.
And they demand money from him. But if he doesn’t have any, then they take his clothes instead: jacket, sweater, trousers and shoes. And they throw them away somewhere or put them in some trash can some distance away.
One day he had to go home half-naked.
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