
Summary of Khloé Kardashian's Strong Looks Better Naked


Summary of Khloé Kardashian's Strong Looks Better Naked is a hybrid memoir-lifestyle book in which reality TV star Khloé Kardashian shares hard-won and heartfelt lessons about taking care of her body, mind, and heart. She shares tips about healthy living, including recipes, her favorite forms of exercise, her musical playlists, and the daily routine that keeps her grounded even as she manages the pressures of continually being in the media glare. She also offers personal anecdotes as evidence of her philosophy for staying motivated and maintaining a positive outlook in life. Ultimately, she believes that to make real change to one’s life, the motivation has to come from within.

Kardashian’s journey to self-awareness began as a young child. She knew that, as a bigger child, she looked different from her sisters. She never let this deter her, though, and instead focused on her easygoing and lighthearted nature. She began to focus…

Narrator: Kim Jones