Though some think that Paul’s exhortation to these elders, doth prove him their ruler, we hope, who are this day to speak to you from the Lord, that we may freely do the like without any jealousies of such a conclusion. Though we teach our people as officers set over them in the Lord, yet may we teach one another as brethren, in office as well as in faith. If the people of our charge must teach and admonish, and exhort each other daily, (Col. 3:16; Heb. 3:13,) no doubt teachers may do it to one another without any supremacy of power or degree. We have the same sins to kill, and the same graces to be quickened and corroborated, as our people have: we have greater works than they to do, and greater difficulties to overcome, and no less necessity is laid upon us; and therefore we have need to be warned and awakened, if not to be instructed, as well as they. So that I confess, I think such meetings should be more frequent, if we had nothing else to do together but this. And as plainly and closely should we deal with one another, as the most serious among us do with our flocks; lest if only they have the sharp admonitions and reproofs, they only should be sound and lively in the faith. That this was Paul’s judgment, I need no other proof, than this rousing, heart-melting exhortation to the Ephesian elders:—a short sermon, but not soon learned. Had the bishops and teachers of the church but thoroughly learned this short exhortation, though with neglect of many a volume which hath taken up their time, and helped them to greater applause in the world; how happy had it been for the church and them!
Met Christus te zijn : gedachten over het sterven
Richard Baxter
bookA Christian Directory (Vol. 1-4) : A Body of Practical Divinity and Cases of Conscience: Ethics, Economics, Ecclesiastics & Politics
Richard Baxter
bookA Christian Directory (Vol. 1-4) : A Body of Practical Divinity and Cases of Conscience: Ethics, Economics, Ecclesiastics & Politics
Richard Baxter
bookThe Reformed Pastor : A Discourse on the Pastoral Office
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bookLe Pasteur Réformé
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bookRichard Baxter His Life and Times: A Biography
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bookThe Life of Faith
Richard Baxter
bookA Christian Directory (Vol. 1-4) : A Body of Practical Divinity and Cases of Conscience: Ethics, Economics, Ecclesiastics & Politics
Richard Baxter
bookThe Saints' Everlasting Rest : Updated and Abridged
Richard Baxter
audiobookbookThe Reformed Pastor : Updated and Abridged
Richard Baxter
audiobookThe Reformed Pastor (Foreword by Chad Van Dixhoorn) : Updated and Abridged
Richard Baxter