
The Return of Sherlock Holmes

audiobook & e-book

In 1905 Conan Doyle reluctantly decided to bring his most famous creation Sherlock Holmes back to life. It is no easy thing to convincingly resurrect a man whom you have so decisively thrown over a Swiss waterfall. There is however no sense of reluctance in the collection of short stories that make up The Return of Sherlock Holmes. The great detective reenters the stage with convincing aplomb and his usual theatricality, albeit at the expense of the bemused and shocked Watson.

The “Return” contains some of the most popular adventures of the Holmes canon, including the melodramatic “Solitary Cyclist”, the ingenious “Six Napoleons” (with Lestrade’s surprisingly warm endorsement of Holmes at the end). We have the clever “Second Stain” and the inventive “Dancing Men” The stories also have some memorable villains, (who could so easily pale in the dark memory of Professor Moriarty), not least the despicable Charles Augustus Milverton.

Head Stories Audio presents “The Return of Sherlock Holmes” narrated by Simon Hester. With original music. Performed by Simon Hester and Carmine Lauri.

Narrator: Simon Hester


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great collection