Dr. Sonia Amon Medical Thrillers

Itā€™s hard to go home when your father wants to kill you. Syrian-born CIA operative and retired Army Major Sonia Amon is a battlefield surgeon at Walter Reed Hospital. She also teaches military strategy at the Army War College which provides her cover as a CIA operative for the Middle East. Sonia is recalled to Syria to rebuild a series of primary care health clinics to offer basic care in war-ravaged Syria. But there is one problem. Her father is a terrorist who wants to kill her. He has hunted her for many years. Sonia is as terrified of her father now as when she was a child. At eighteen, she escaped the terrorism of her father and fled to the United State into her motherā€™s loving arms. After med-school, a career in the army as a doctor and professor, she wants to help the country she left behind and dearly loves. She also longs to see her fiancĆ©, Colonel Paul Grayson who commands an Army Garrison near Aleppo. Can a terroristā€™s daughter mend the wounds her father left on their people? With a command of the language, an understanding of the terrain, and her medical skills, Sonia is the perfect operative. The U.S. military and World Health Organization want to rebuild a hospital destroyed by ISIS, but Aleppo is a dangerous place. There are eyes on her everywhere. She knows sheā€™s being watched. Is this mission too much? The CIA doesnā€™t think so and duty calls. And Sonia always heeds that call.