Dr. Sonia Amon Medical Thrillers

It’s hard to go home when your father wants to kill you. Syrian-born CIA operative and retired Army Major Sonia Amon is a battlefield surgeon at Walter Reed Hospital. She also teaches military strategy at the Army War College which provides her cover as a CIA operative for the Middle East. Sonia is recalled to Syria to rebuild a series of primary care health clinics to offer basic care in war-ravaged Syria. But there is one problem. Her father is a terrorist who wants to kill her. He has hunted her for many years. Sonia is as terrified of her father now as when she was a child. At eighteen, she escaped the terrorism of her father and fled to the United State into her mother’s loving arms. After med-school, a career in the army as a doctor and professor, she wants to help the country she left behind and dearly loves. She also longs to see her fiancĂ©, Colonel Paul Grayson who commands an Army Garrison near Aleppo. Can a terrorist’s daughter mend the wounds her father left on their people? With a command of the language, an understanding of the terrain, and her medical skills, Sonia is the perfect operative. The U.S. military and World Health Organization want to rebuild a hospital destroyed by ISIS, but Aleppo is a dangerous place. There are eyes on her everywhere. She knows she’s being watched. Is this mission too much? The CIA doesn’t think so and duty calls. And Sonia always heeds that call.