
3-Minute Cantonese : Everyday Cantonese for Beginners


Want to learn Cantonese with easy 3-minute lessons?

Want to be able to greet others, introduce yourself, make small talk and ask basic questions in Cantonese? Then this 25-Lesson audio-book is for you.

You learn the most common and useful Cantonese questions, answers and phrases that are used in daily conversations. Perfect for Beginners that want to start speaking Cantonese.

Here's a sneak peek at the first 5 lessons:

Self Introduction Greetings and Farewells Manners Asking How Someone is Making Apologies With the 3-Minute Cantonese, you get...

25 Fast & Easy Audio Lessons Wait! You also get a bonus audio-book: You get the Everyday Cantonese for Beginners - 400 Actions & Activities audio-book for free. Learn how to talk about your day — from morning to night — and massively improve your Cantonese

Learn 400+ phrases for daily activities through 10 easy chapters.