This heartwarming children's book follows the story of two young friends, Benny and Kako, who discover that their neighbor Sarah has been diagnosed with cancer. In their efforts to support her, they learn about the power of friendship, empathy, and going above and beyond for someone in need. Along with their families and the neighborhood, they strive to make Sarah's dreams come true during her tough time in the hospital. The story beautifully teaches children about compassion, resilience, community support, and the importance of dreams. With wonderful illustrations by Tuly A, this touching tale leaves readers with a newfound understanding of friendship's power and the human spirit's resilience.
Benny and Kako's the forest of Fate
Dimitri Gilles
bookFatima curiosa y el misterio dela fiesta de pijamas
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bookMala Fatima
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bookFatima Mintiendo
Dimitri Gilles
bookFatima Entrometida
Dimitri Gilles
bookMy Moon
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bookBenny And Kako First Day School Adventure
Dimitri Gilles
bookThe Little Girl Who Could Talk to Animals
Dimitri Gilles
bookA Sad Birthday Fatima
Dimitri Gilles
bookNo Christmas This Year
Dimitri Gilles
bookSkye's quest to join the circus
Dimitri Gilles
bookBad Fatima
Dimitri Gilles