The Arctic is changing is often stated. Change is the only constant, a more than 2000-year-old saying goes. In nature the struggle to prevail is a struggle against change. It used to be the same through history of human evolution. In a modern world, adapting to change is less about survival and more about safe and functional societies, and about personal development. Societies and individuals might adapt to changes by learning, by responding and adjusting behavior. How we learn, which experiences we respond to is a choice each must take. Constant reporting about change is ensured in today’s rapid world, be it about politics, business, climate, or sports and culture. Learning who and what to learn from, becomes crucial as frequent and shifting stimulus demand our attention. Arctic nature and societies seldom crave attention yet offer important learnings. Here the history and development of Greenland is told through short stories from the world’s largest island. Applying principles from stoic philosophy, cold learnings are offered as a different approach to handle change and inspire to personal growth.
Cold knowledge : stoicism of the Arctic
- 90 pages