
Daily Prayer Book for Girls


Hello there, faithful one! Do you know that you can talk to God anytime, anywhere?

Sometimes you feel overwhelmed by happenings at home or school, and you just need someone to talk to. Sometimes, life blesses you so much that you want to share your happiness. Remember that in all those times—challenging or joyous—God is always with you. And the easiest way to reach him is through your prayers!

But do you always know what to tell Him? Who are the people you love the most? Do you have worries that weigh heavy inside your heart? Or is there something that you are most thankful for? You can tell Him all these, and rest assured that He will always be there to listen to you. All you have to do is open your heart to Him in fervent prayer.

Within this book, you will find simple prayers and scriptures that can help you write your own prayers.

Prayer is a two-way spiritual conversation in which we speak and listen to God. An analogy best describes prayer is a discussion between a young kid and their parents. When a child has a need, they naturally go to their father for help. Prayer is a vehicle via which God bestows his favor on us. It's a wellspring of energy and might. While it's easy to lose sight of God in the midst of this worldly society, prayer brings us closer to God and helps us keep our priorities straight. It's a useful reminder of why we're here.

Discover great benefits inside this book:

• Simple girls' and boys’ prayers for daily conversations with God

• Scriptures that serve as guides for everyday situations and difficult and joyous times

• One-sentence prayers that girls and boys’ can say anytime, anywhere, and whenever they feel the need to talk to God

• Guide for girls and boys’ to make their own prayers in their own words based on their feelings

• A compass to navigate through life’s challenges through prayers

Girls and boys love this book, and it helps them to:

• Develop their own relationship with God

• Realize the importance of prayer

• Better express themselves through prayers

• Improve their relationships with parents and friends

• Seek guidance during difficult times

• Overcome fears and be brave

• Give thanks and praise when blessings are received

2 Bonus for You included as downloads inside every book

Click "Buy now" and help a young girl or boy strengthen communication line with God. (A Perfect Gift Idea)