Based on the researches of the best Jewish scholars, these works are all accessible to the general reader and give us a bird's-eye view of the salient features in Jewish culture. This premium edition contains writings by Israel Abrahams, reader Talmudic literature at the University of Cambridge, Arsène Darmesteter, distinguished philologist co-founder of the Société des Études Juives in France, and Joshua Abelson, principal of the Jewish theological preparatory school Aria College and minister to the United Hebrew Congregation of Leeds.Table of Contents :- Judaism by Israel Abrahams- The Talmud by Arsène Darmesteter- Jewish Mysticism by Joshua Abelson
David Yellin, Israel Abrahams
bookChapters on Jewish Literature
Israel Abrahams
bookBy-paths in Hebraic bookland : Exploring Hidden Gems in Jewish Literary Tradition
Israel Abrahams
bookChapters on Jewish Literature
Israel Abrahams
bookJudaism : Followed by Chapters on Jewish Literature
Israel Abrahams
Workbook for Barracoon: The Story of the Last "Black Cargo" (Max-Help Books)
Dan Young
bookWorkbook for Varina: A Novel (Max-Help Books)
Dan Young
bookGrammatische Untersuchungen : Analysen und Reflexionen FS Gisela Zifonun
bookAlexander von Humboldt : Ein Lebensbild in Anekdoten
Dorothee Nolte
bookSprachliche Anpassung : Eine soziolinguistisch-dialektologische Untersuchung zum Rußlanddeutschen
Nina Berend
bookDie Humboldts : Lebensbilder in Anekdoten
Dorothee Nolte
audiobookZeichnen : Tipps für Kreative
Albrecht Rissler
bookA History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages
Charles Oman
bookDas abc des Malens : Gesichter malen leicht gemacht
Petra Latzel
bookDein Zeichentalent ist kein Fisch : Die komplett andere Zeichenschule für Begabte, Unbegabte, Halbbegabte, Gestresste und völlig Verzweifelte
David Köder
bookHandbuch Zeichnen : Grundlagen,Techniken, Motive