
Seven Lost Secrets of Success


During the 1920s and 1930s, Bruce Barton was a household name in America - a hugely successful advertising man who revolutionized his industry by treating customers like people, not like sheep to be fleeced. He created some of the most memorable and long-lived advertising slogans and campaigns in history. He understood how to succeed in business and advertising, and he set down his principles for success in best-selling books that put his name on everyone's lips.

Those in advertising know Barton's name, but the rest of the country has long forgotten both the man and his wisdom. After discovering Barton's secrets of success for himself, Joe Vitale thought that we could all benefit from Barton's legacy. In 1992 Vitale published The Seven Lost Secrets of Success and, 19 printings later, the book continues to guide thousands of people every year to a more successful and rewarding life based on the wisdom of the legendary Bruce Barton.

Part advertising how-to and part inspirational success

Narrator: Joe Vitale