Hier erhältlich ist die Notenausgabe des Werks in F-Dur für Klavier & Gesang.
Heiß wie ein Vulkan : as performed by Ricky Shayne, Single Songbook
G. Loose, G. Moroder
bookHeiß wie ein Vulkan : as performed by Ricky Shayne, Single Songbook
G. Loose, G. Moroder
bookIch hab' den Mond in meiner Tasche : as performed by Drafi Deutscher, Single Songbook
G. Loose, Ch. Bruhn, H. Pitter
bookIch hab' den Mond in meiner Tasche : as performed by Drafi Deutscher, Single Songbook
G. Loose, Ch. Bruhn, H. Pitter
bookConcrete and Clay (Ein Fremder kam vorbei) : as performed by Horst Wiegand, Single Songbook
B. Parker, T. Moeller, G. Loose
bookOkay Bambino : Single Songbook, as performed by Susi Doreé
G. Loose, Will Meisel
bookOkay Bambino : Single Songbook, as performed by Susi Doreé
G. Loose, Will Meisel
bookConcrete and Clay (Ein Fremder kam vorbei) : as performed by Horst Wiegand, Single Songbook
B. Parker, T. Moeller, G. Loose
bookSlop in Bahia : Single Songbook
G. Loose, Will Meisel
bookDas geht doch keinen etwas an (C'est bien joli d'entre copains) : as performed by Suzanne Doucet, Single Songbook
G. Loose, B. Nencioli, J. Revaux
bookDas geht doch keinen etwas an (C'est bien joli d'entre copains) : as performed by Suzanne Doucet, Single Songbook
G. Loose, B. Nencioli, J. Revaux