
The Conquest


Leader of a human colony planet, Taryn Demara has much more on her plate than maintaining peace or ensuring her people have enough to eat. Due to a virus that affects male embryos in the womb, there is a shortage of men. For decades, her people have enticed ships to their planet and tricked the men into staying. However, a ship hasnā€™t been spotted in eight years. So when the blip finally shows on the radar, Taryn is determined to conquer the newcomers at any cost to ensure her peopleā€™s survival.

Prince Kason tro el Vallen needs to find a suitable planet for his people to colonize. The Kelderans are running out of options despite the fact one is staring them in the faceā€”Planet Jasvar. Because a group of Kelderan scientists disappeared there a decade ago never to return, his people dismiss the planet as cursed. But Kason doesnā€™t believe in curses and takes on the mission to explore the planet to prove it. As his ship approaches Jasvar, a distress signal chimes in and Kason takes a group down to the planetā€™s surface to explore. What he didnā€™t expect was for a band of females to try and capture him.

As Taryn and Kason measure up and try to outsmart each other, they soon realize theyā€™ve found their match. The only question is whether they ignore the spark between them and focus on their respective peopleā€™s survival or can they find a path where they both succeed?