The story of the mice brothers Carl and Johnny describe the rules for a successful life. The two mice experience how a dream becomes reality. They overcome obstacles and grow with the challenges that occur in their adventure. "The Secret of Happiness" is about the laws of nature which exist over thousands of years and the respect of other people, animals and plants that ensures our survival. The team of authors have one mission in common: They represent the new entrepreneurship. With this story they encourage people to follow their dreams, and as a result, show them that by doing the things that you love can bring many rewards and benefits. Their vision is to encourage respect and cooperation with others. And by doing so, bring a more humane approach to the business world so that everybody has the opportunity to succeed.
Milchstraße : Geschichten von der großen Liebe
Andrea Ludwig
bookThe Secret of Happiness : For Mice and Other People The Laws of Nature - Rules for a Successful Life
Andrea Ludwig, Sandra Jantzen, Robert Jansen
bookDas Geheimnis von Häppiness : Für Mäuse und andere Menschen, Die Gesetze der Natur - Spielregeln für ein erfolgreiches Leben
Andrea Ludwig, Sandra Jantzen, Robert Jansen