
The Vedanta-Sutras


According to Wikipedia: "The Brahma sĆ«tras, also known as Vedānta SĆ«tras, are one of the three canonical texts of the Vedānta school of Hindu philosophy. A thorough study of Vedānta requires a close examination of these three texts, known in Sanskrit as the Prasthanatrayi, or the three starting points. The Brahma sutras constitute the Nyāya prasthāna, or "Logic-based starting point", of the above triplet. Thus they are also referred to as the Yukti prasthāna, since Yukti also means reasoning or logic. While the Upanishads (ƚruti prasthāna, the starting point of revelation) and the Bhagavad-GÄ«tā (Smriti prasthāna, the starting point of remembered tradition) are the basic source texts of Vedānta, it is in the Brahma sĆ«tras that the teachings of Vedānta are set forth in a systematic and logical order."