
Tuffy Claus


Itā€™s another night on the job for Deputy Sheriff Barbara Mero, giving chase to a suspect in a stolen vehicle. But when someone beats her to the perp, sheā€™s not sure whether to step in or not. Before she can stop him, a sledgehammer-wielding bearded biker on a red Harley delivers his own punishment, but with his parting words, Babs isnā€™t so sure heā€™s another bad guy.

After further investigation, Babs knows this vigilante ā€œSantaā€ meant well, but thereā€™s no proof he was even there. And after a few more run-ins with the red-cloaked badass, sheā€™s torn between duty and justice, but in her heart she knows heā€™s the real deal.

You see, thereā€™s a side of the story of Santa that doesnā€™t get told, and thatā€™s where Dominik comes in. Being the twin to Kris, Domā€™s job isnā€™t near as merry, though still necessary, answering the letters from the kids who want more than just toys. Those who want a better, safer life, food, and shelter. Basic needs a kid shouldnā€™t have to wish for on Christmas. Although heā€™s accepted his own lot in life, Dominik still has one regret. Itā€™s a lonely life.

Thereā€™s another side to jolly old Saint Nick, and he ainā€™t a saint.

Narrator: Erin Dameron-Hill