»Karl Barth´s Text Interpretations in his Church Dogmatics« – behind this subtitle lies nothing less than one of the most important theological methods in the most influential works on dogmatics of the 20th century. In this volume the author tries to comprehend what we can learn from this publication today. In this volume Gerhard Bergner addresses the extensive Biblical-exegetic comments found in Karl Barth´s »Church Dogmatics.« He shows that the origin of Barth´s dogmatics can be understood only after taking these often neglected comments into account. In addition, Bergner highlights the peculiar methods Barth used in his exegesis, where in particular two features may be found: First, his penchant for narrative texts from the Bible and, second, his preference for objective exegesis. Finally, Bergner points to the contribution that Barth´s text interpretations offer in light of modern challenges, especially against the background of the »crisis of the Protestant scriptural principle.«
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