
Uncanny Stories


A spine-chilling collection of tales of uncanny happenings, ghostly apparitions, unexplained mysteries, evil deeds, and tragic events. "The Upper Berth" - F. Marion Crawford

"Andreas Vasalius the Anatomist" - Petrus Borel

"They" - Rudyard Kipling

"The Parricide Punished" - Anon

"The Poisoner of Montremos" - Richard Cumberland

"The Vindictive Monk" - Isaac Crookenden

"The Phantom Coach" - Emilia B. Edwards

"The Bottle Imp" - Robert Louis Stevenson

"The Shadow in the Corner" - M. E.Braddon

"Number 17" - Edith Nesbit

"The Finest Story in the World" - Rudyard Kipling

Narrator: Cathy Dobson