The Dark Heart Chronicles

The dark heart beats again. Nardus is terrified he may have doomed Centauria. A malevolent, winged monster advances on his people with a mind-controlled army. The wizard Pravus deceived him. He never should have trusted the man. Was this Pravus’s plan from the beginning—a war against the world? His last hope of redemption lies in discovering an age-old magical secret… Twins Aria and Alderan, once inseparable, now stand on opposite sides of the brewing war. Aria lusts for power, determined to be queen. With Pravus and the dragon at her side, who could defeat them? Alderan struggles to master his magic while torn between loyalties. How will he outsmart a manipulative wizard and a centuries-old dragon? As the battle lines are drawn, can Nardus and Alderan claim their rightful place to rescue their world and save Aria? Rended Souls is the third book in the riveting The Dark Heart Chronicles epic fantasy series. If you like dangerous magic, page-turning adventures, and headstrong characters, then you’ll love Daniel Kuhnley’s spellbinding tale. Buy Rended Souls to join the battle today!