
30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary


A Bigger Vocabulary = A Brighter Future Words. They're the foundation of nearly everything of value in our world. They have the power to create, and the power to destroy. The power to inspire and to terrify. The power to enlighten, and also to obscure. And, more specifically for you, they have the power to attract wealth and success, and guarantee your brighter future. This is not hyperbole-it is based on rock solid research. Studies show that those people with large vocabularies are smarter, wealthier and happier than the average person-and substantially so. And here's the best news of all, a large vocabulary is not tied to your social status, your genes or even your education level. It is a skill that can be learned-and it takes only 30 days.

In this cutting-edge program, 30 Days To a More Powerful Vocabulary, personal development expert and English enthusiast, Dan Strutzel, will instruct, enlighten and inspire you with a concentrated 30-day program that will teach you o