In the bustling city of Baghdad, young and wealthy Abu al-Hasan squandered half his inheritance on lavish parties, only to be abandoned by his fair-weather friends when his fortune dwindled. Heartbroken and wiser, he vowed to only befriend strangers for a single night. One evening, disguised as a merchant, Caliph Harun al-Rashid accepted Abu al-Hasan's hospitality, curious about his peculiar rule. The Caliph, amused by his story, played a trick, making Abu al-Hasan believe he was the ruler of Baghdad for a day. Awakening in the palace and convinced of his new identity, Abu al-Hasan made bold decisions before reality crashed down, sending him to the brink of madness. Yet, this strange encounter led to an unexpected friendship with the Caliph, who, moved by Abu al-Hasan's honesty and resilience, made him a companion at court. This captivating tale weaves themes of fortune's fickleness, the essence of true friendship, and the transformative power of humility.
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