
Day of the Vikings


An ancient staff of power that can summon Ragnarok, the Viking apocalypse. When Neo-Viking terrorists invade the British Museum in London to reclaim the staff of Skara Brae, ARKANE agent Morgan Sierra is trapped in the building along with hostages under mortal threat.

As the slaughter begins, Morgan helps museum researcher and reluctant psychic, Blake Daniel, to discern the past of the staff through the mists of time to the Viking invasion generations ago.

Can Morgan and Blake uncover the truth before Ragnarok is unleashed, consuming all in its wake? Day of the Vikings is a fast-paced, action-adventure thriller set in the British Museum, the British Library and the islands of Orkney, Lindisfarne and Iona. Set in the present day, it resonates with the history and myth of the Vikings.

The story features Morgan Sierra from the ARKANE thrillers, and Blake Daniel from the London Crime Thrillers, but it is also a stand-alone novella that can be read and enjoyed as a stand-alone.

Oppleser: Veronica Giguere