
Elderberry Croft: February Embers: The Spark of an Old Flame


It's February at The Coach House Trailer Park, and that means Valentine's Day is just around the corner. For some, the day brings messages of love stuffed into pink and red envelopes in the mail. For others, it's just another day of the month, one they'd rather just pass on by without notice.

Richard and Patti Davis' days stretch out endlessly before them, but lately, Richard has taken notice of the new neighbor in the cottage at Space Twelve. After the years of unconditional and often unacknowledged care and affection that Patti has poured into her family, will she lose the only man she's ever loved to the green-eyed earth girl?

Or will Willow Goodhope steal both their hearts?

Find out in February Embers, the second story in the Elderberry Croft series. It's about love, and hope, and the magic that happens when the embers of love get stirred up, and the sparks start burning again.

Oppleser: Becky Doughty