
Elderberry Croft: November Awakening: Braving the Trenches


Doc has learned to live with his past showing up in his present in the gruesome form of post-traumatic stress. Waking nightmares, trigger hallucinations, insomnia, and self-loathing are his constant companions. Coming home from war wasn’t coming home at all—he hasn’t been able to leave the battlefield behind.

So it isn’t hard for him to recognize the raw edges of the wounds Ms. Goodhope bears, and Doc isn’t about to stand by and let another fellow soldier fall.

When he finds her burning letters out under a moonless sky, and the firelight brings to life the jagged shadows they both are trying to hold at bay, they trade war stories… and a promise to not give into the dark night of the soul.

Oppleser: Becky Doughty