
Finding Allies, Building Alliances


In our increasingly interconnected world, its not the biggest or best-managed organizations that win; its the best networked groups that triumph those that move faster and more innovatively than stand-alone competitors toward ambitious objectives. Individual excellence is being replaced by collaborative excellence. Unfortunately, few know how to collaborate in a high performance way, how to hold a coalition together as pressures threaten to tear it asunder, how to overcome one partners desire to dominate other partners and impose his will, or how to secure a zealous commitment to collaborative problem solving when the entire group benefits more than any individual member. Typically, a successful approach to collaboration has been marked as a simple willingness to work with others. In the world of low-level tasks, this perspective is fine. However, if the stakes are high, the partners are diverse and success requires a network among unnatural collaborators, a more soph

Oppleser: Robin Bloodworth