
Hiring for Attitude


Common hiring practices are destined for failure-here's how to hire the right people and build a company culture designed for long-term success

In a recent groundbreaking study, the training firm Leadership IQ found that 46 percent of all new hires fail within their first 18 months. But here's the real shocker: 89 percent fail for attitudinal reasons-not skills.

Most hiring managers are getting it wrong. Of course skills are important, but a particular skill set is about the easiest thing to test in an interview. Although much harder to recognize, attitude should be your number-one focus during the hiring process. Don't suffer from poor chemistry-even one employee with the wrong attitude could cause years of suffering for your other employees and customers.

Whether you're hiring new employees, choosing existing employees for a new team, or upgrading your current talent pool, you need people with the right attitude!

Attitude is what makes employees give 100 percent effort and turns

Oppleser: Todd Belcher