
I Love You More : Memories of My Life with an Extraordinary Man and How He Changed Me


Martha is ambitious, competitive, successful, and now divorced. As she seeks to reinvent herself, she joins a dating site looking for companionship. Instead, she finds her soulmate in Stephan. They do everything together: work, travel, dance, sing, and love. Everything changes when Stephan is diagnosed with frontotemporal degeneration (FTD) and then with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS - Lou Gehrig's disease). As the diseases progress, the dynamic, vivacious man Martha married disappears. Does Martha have what it takes to care for him? Will Stephans love win out and give Martha the strength she needs to walk Stephan to the end?

"I LOVED IT! It spoke to me in so many ways. It drew me in and, even though I never met Stephan, he now feels like someone I knew so well and a good friend.. This book is well written in a conversational manner which I love. So raw, honest, vulnerable and fresh. I laughed, I cried, and I was so struck by the contrast you created with the time changes. I woke up still thinking about every chapter!"

Oppleser: Martha L. Garmon