
Investing Without Borders


Frishberg believes that too many investors have followed the so-called pundits and experts believing they could predict the next great trend. Only all too many investors have lost so much money that they're now unwilling to believe any advice about the stock market. That's a foolhardy approach, says Frishberg. There are opportunities available for everyone, as long as they're willing not to follow what everyone else is doing and look beyond the United States. Looking beyond the stock market performance of late, the author believes the planet is undergoing the greatest financial boom in history. The staggering amount of resources being applied to this global boom means there are more opportunities available for everyone to benefit. He starts out expecting to find opportunities and does so, "under every rock and around every corner." For example, while everyone is focusing on growth in China, Frishberg believes that the Chinese won't have enough resources to build all

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