
Jim River Boy : An Inspirational Christian Fiction Novel


An unrepentant heart is heavy.

Widowed, lonely and angry, Claire feels that God has turned a blind eye to her. When her daughter becomes pregnant she acts on her pride and vanity, forcing the teenage girl to get rid of the baby. This choice creates a wedge between mother and daughter - and further distances Claire from God.

Believing that she’s a hopeless cause and peace is unattainable, she willingly accepts her probable death when a car accident leaves her sinking in the murky Jim River waters.

Then the boy appears, taking her by the hand and leading her down a path of self-reflection and healing, in a world unlike anything she’s ever seen. Claire discovers the truth about the past, faces off with her pride and finds that God has been pursuing her through it all. Using even the most dire of situations to draw her closer to Him.

A hard-to-put-down, thought provoking novel about redemptive love and true forgiveness from a God who celebrates with us in times of joy and agonizes with us in times of difficulty. A God who seeks to restore to us what was lost or stolen and redeem us with His powerful grace.

What people are saying:

“Male or female, young or old, this story will move you.”

“If you’ve ever wrestled with forgiveness or grappled with faith, this book will gently guide you toward true peace.”

“An uplifting, amazing life message.”

Oppleser: Cathi Colas