
Keto Diet Cookbook After 50: More than 100 Low-Carb High-Fat Recipes for Men and Women Over 50


Did you notice that after you got 50 the way your body holds onto weight changed? Keto is the ideal regimen to add years to your life and life to your years!

Dieting at any age is not an easy undertaking and it doesn’t get any easier as we get on in years. When it comes to the diets that come out each year, the trendy diets or the fads don’t always seem to give us the amazing results they seem to be giving everyone on television. Keto, as it turns out, holds many of the answers that we need regarding nutrition once we get to a certain age.

In this book, you will learn:

How dieting changes once you reach a certain age Why a low-carb diet is the healthiest way to fuel your body How to turn your own body into a 24/7 fat-burning machine What the body is doing with the healthy fats that you give it How to make delicious foods that satisfy and nourish your body So much more! The recipes in this book are formulated to keep you feeling full, to keep you feeling satisfied, and to give you the results that you need! You’ll find a recipe in this book to match any occasion. Whether you’ve got guests attending a gathering, whether you’re preparing your breakfasts for the week, or whether you’ve got a sweet tooth in the evening, the recipes in this book will set you up perfectly.

Don’t waste another day on regimens that don’t work and stop wasting your time feeling run-down. You could be feeling your best on the regimen that has helped countless others to lose the weight, keep it off, and live better! With keto, it’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle!

Buy now your copy and get started looking and feeling better!

Oppleser: Annmarie Cullen