
Lost Sci-Fi Books 81 thru 85


Lost Sci-Fi Books 81 thru 85 - Five Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s

Human Is by Philip K. Dick - She noticed the change in her husband -- but she had married for better or worse! Adjustment Team by Philip K. Dick - Something went wrong... and Ed Fletcher got mixed up in the biggest thing in his life... The Luckiest Man Alive! by William Morrison - The man who won the contest for a perfect specimen to be named "Mister Earth" would be in a unique position! Six Frightened Men by Robert Silverberg - It was an unexplored planet and anything could happen—yet none of us expected to face a creature impossible to fight, let alone kill.... Dust Unto Dust by Lyman D. Hinckley - It was alien but was it dead, this towering, sinister city of metal that glittered malignantly before the cautious advance of three awed space-scouters.

Oppleser: Scott Miller